Tonight's News:
Just watched a story on a guy who went after a ball in Texas Stadium and fell to his death. Josh Hamilton, the Texas Ranger outfielder was tossing the man a foul ball - like a lot of players do, and he (the fan) was reaching for it and fell 30 feet. I can only imagine how Josh Hamilton must be feeling. What a horrible accident that could have happened to anyone. Since this is the 2nd incident in 2 years, luckily only one death. They need to seriously re-think possibly the height of the bar in front of the fans to make sure this doesn't happen again. Something needs to happen. Also running the footage of his fall on a loop is beyond tacky.
Rupert Murdoch thinks he's God. The collapse of News of the World couldn't make me happier. I can only hope that he along with everyone else involved gets jail time. Not in one of those posh prisons either. You can also lock him up for selling Frank McCourt my LA Dodgers! Hated him then, hate him even more now.
Speaking of Frank McCourt, listen all you fans out there, he is scum. We all know this. He took it the extra mile with putting the Dodgers in bankruptcy BUT and this is a big one, ALL owners live lush lifestyles. What makes him scum is that he used money from Dodger charities for his personal use. Jamie McCourt is not the angel she portrays either. I love my Dodgers too much to see this happening. Bottom line, get him (them) out and let's see what Mark Cuban can do? God did I just say that?
I don't care about Lindsay Lohan in the slightest. She's old news. Who cares if she can act. She's an idiot. Mel Gibson's a great actor too, but I'm not going out to any of his movies either. Jody Foster backed or not. And enough with Casey Anthony. Who cares about her and her ugly new hairdo. Do we really need to have 24 hour coverage of this beast? I'm sickened at the thought of someone offering her a book, movie or porn deal! Steve Hirsch of Vivid pulled his offer after public outrage. I would call that smart but then again he made an offer. Anything for money right?
Corner Cottage in Burbank still makes the most amazing breakfast burritos.
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